4336-R Use of Tobacco Products and Electronic Smoking Devices

  • 1. The use of any tobacco product - cigarette, bidis, cigar, snuff, dip, chew (spit), or other tobacco products - is prohibited. This policy includes use and possession by students, use by all school staff, parents, visitors, and any other persons on school property (indoor, outdoor, owned or leased).

    2. The use of any electronic smoking device is prohibited. This policy includes use and possession by students, use by all school staff, parents, visitors, and any other persons on school property (indoor, outdoor, owned or leased).
    3. This regulation extends to all school property (indoor, outdoor, owned or leased) and at school-sponsored events away from school property.
    4. This regulation extends to all school vehicles on or off school property and to all personal vehicles on school property.
    5. All signs, posters, or other devices which advertise tobacco or tobacco products, or electronic smoking devices are prohibited on school property, in school vehicles, and at school-sponsored events away from school property. Use of curricular materials, supplies, or funding, (i.e. grants) provided by tobacco or electronic smoking device companies is strictly prohibited.
    6. Sponsorship of any program or activity by companies or businesses whose primary product is tobacco or electronic smoking devices is prohibited.
    7. New employees will be informed of the tobacco-free and no electronic smoking device policy during the interview process and in general orientation. Current employees will be informed of this change in policy by their supervisors, managers, principals, or department heads.
    8. Enforcement of the policy will be the responsibility of the employees of the District. All employees are authorized to communicate this policy, with courtesy, to anyone using tobacco products or electronic smoking devices in the facility, vehicles, or district grounds.
    9. Corrective action for any employee violating this policy will be handled through established disciplinary procedures.

    ADOPTION DATE: July 16, 2003; Reviewed May 22, 2007; Revised April 8, 2014