Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
December 10, 2024 - 6:00 PM 
Educational Services Center
1000 West 8th Street, Gillette, WY
  • Announcements
  • Roll Call
  • Pledge of Allegiance     


  • Dr. Ayers will present awards received at the annual Wyoming School Board Association conference.

III.  REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD - Wyoming Statutes require annual reorganization of the Board at the first regular meeting in December. 

A.  Election of Officers
  1. Chairman
  2. Vice-Chairman
  3. Treasurer
  4. Clerk/Assistant Treasurer

B.  Meetings:  Times and Dates

  • (Motion to establish the times and dates of board meetings as 6:00 PM on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.)

C.  Depositories

  • (Motion to re-designate as depositories for Campbell County School District the following banks:  ANB Bank, First Interstate Bank, First National Bank, First Northern Bank of Wyoming, US Bank, and Wyoming Government Investment Fund).

D.  Newspaper

  • (Motion to establish the Gillette News-Record as the official newspaper for Campbell County School District.)

E.  Re-Adoption of Policies

  • (Motion to re-adopt the policies contained in the official district policy listing and rescind all old policy-determination as found only in the board meeting minutes.)

F.  Legal Counsel

  • (Motion to designate the law firm of Lubnau Law as legal counsel for Campbell County School District.)

G.  Appointments

  • The Chairman will appoint trustees to serve on boards and committees.

H.  Financial Disclosure

  • Trustees will complete the financial disclosure form as required by state statute.


A.  Celebration 

  • Rozet Elementary Principal Travis Heitmann will introduce staff and 3rd-grade students who will showcase a science unit that is supported by Robotics.

Academic Reports

V.  CONSENT AGENDA  - Any member of the Board may request an item be removed from the consent agenda for discussion.              

A.  Minutes

B.  Human Resource Actions - Approval is requested of actions taken by the Human Resource Department based on recommendations made by supervisors.

  • Educational Support Personnel
a.  New Hires - Regular
b.  New Hires - Substitutes/Temporaries
c.  Transfers
d.  Resignations
  • Certified 
a.  Resignations
b.  Substitute Teacher New Hires
c.  Request for Medical Leave of Absence
d.  Extra Duty Recommendations
e.  Extra Duty Resignation
C.  Warrants - Administration requests ratification of warrants released between the board meetings of November 12, 2024, and December 10, 2024, per the Resolution to Conduct Business adopted November 12, 2024. Administration recommends approval of current warrants as provided. 
D.  Bids and Quotes - Administration recommends approval of the following bids and quotes: 
  1. New Little Powder Generator
  2. Lakeway Learning Center Concourse Renovation Design Services
  3. Mobile Lift System for Transportation
  4. Paintbrush Elementary Door Upgrades
  5. Prairie Wind Elementary Condensing Unit Replacement
  6. Recluse Elementary Condensing Unit Replacement
  7. Rozet Elementary Fire Alarm Upgrade
  8. Twin Spruce Junior High Fire Alarm Upgrade
E.  Ratification of Bids and Quotes - Administration requests ratification of the following bids and quotes according to the resolution to conduct business adopted November 12, 2024. 
  1. Camera Upgrade for District Buses
  2. 4-J HVAC System Replacement - Engineering Services
  3. Conestoga and Paintbrush Elementary Repairs - ADA Ramps
  4. New Aquatic Center Weight Room Equipment
  5. Renewal for District Destiny Library Resource License
F. Ratified Contracts and Agreements - Administration requests ratification of the following contracts and agreements according to the resolution to conduct business adopted November 12, 2024.
  1. Special Education Related Services Agreement with Desiree Rivera
  2. New Little Powder Materials Testing and Inspection Services with Nelson Engineering
  3. Stocktrail Elementary School Spanish Book Fair Agreement with Feria Del Libro
  4. Memorandum of Understanding and Data Sharing Agreement with Mathematica, Inc. 

G.  Resolution to Conduct Business 

  • Administration requests the adoption of a resolution to conduct business between the board meetings of December 10, 2024, and January 14, 2025. 

 H. Student Expulsions 

  • Administration requests Students #20 and #21 be expelled for one calendar year. 
  • Administration requests Students #22, #23, #24, #25, and #26 be expelled for one calendar year, with early re-admittance under strict probation. 

I.  Resolution for Reoccurring Operational Charges

  • The Administration requests the adoption of a resolution for reoccurring operational charges between the board meetings of December 10, 2024, and December 9, 2025. 





A.  Audit Report

  • Erica Mund with Bennett, Weber, & Hermstad, LLP will review the 2023-2024 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), and Mr. Bartlett will ask for approval of the report. 


  • Are there any comments for the good of the order? A response by the board will be based on available information and necessary research.