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Should there ever be a threatening situation or an emergency on a school campus -- for the safety of your child(ren), all other students and staff and yourself -- please review the information below.


  • Remain as calm as possible 
  • Remain at home or at work to make it easier for officials to contact you, if this becomes necessary. If schools have the need to mass evacuate students off site, students will be taken by bus to an alternate location – you will be given information through the media and through the district’s mass notification system as to how and when to pick-up your child(ren).
  • Encourage your child(ren) to limit their cell phone usage.
  • Stay tuned for updates through CCSD’s notification system, Blackboard. Messages or phone calls will come through this application.  Please make sure emergency contact information is updated in PowerSchool.
  • Stay tuned to local radio stations for ongoing information and emergency instructions.
  • Check for updates on Campbell County School District's website.

Please DO NOT:

  • Attempt to go to the school. Access routes need to be clear for emergency vehicles. Traffic congestion will make emergency response much more difficult for first responders, including law enforcement, fire departments, and ambulances, to get to the school to deal with the emergency quickly and efficiently.

This is an issue of safety for all concerned.

  • Call your child on their cell phone. If numerous people are using cell phones at one location, it will jam the airways, which will overload the system and prevent emergency and school officials from using their emergency communication devices. This would seriously hinder effort to assist students. Schools also hope to limit student use of cell phones for the same reason. However, school personnel will work with students on the use of their cell phones and text messaging in an emergency to keep you informed with the most accurate and reliable information possible and to reduce anxieties.


Associate Superintendent for Instructional Support 

David Bartlett

Office: 307-687-4540 

Safety Manager

Michelle Heitmann

Office: 307-687-4547 

Student Safety Goals:

CCSD is committed to creating a healthy learning environment for our students, including protecting students from physical harms like violence, theft and weapons. Not only do we invest in programs to increase school safety, we also empower our staff and students to become a part of the solution in keeping our schools and communities safe. See something, say something.

School Security

All school buildings have secured perimeter doors with the exception of the main entrance, which is manned during school hours. 

Click on the tabs below for more information about how we keep our students and staff safe each school day. 

Student Accidents

All accidents that happen at school or during a school-sponsored activity should be reported to the school nurse or trainer. 


ThorGuard detects the electrons in the atmosphere capable of producing lightning and issues a warning before lightning hits. The system monitors most secondary schools and community sports parks in Campbell County.