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Fifth-graders butter up judges in food truck competition

Fifth-graders butter up judges in food truck competition

A number of fifth-grade enrichment students took customers who popped by their food truck face-off last week on a tasteful ride, as they showed off their months-long popcorn business project! 🍿

Each team of fifth-graders worked together to select their chosen theme, advertising strategy and sales pitch in hopes of buttering up the judging panel. Cost also factored into the equation, as students calculated to see how much bang customers received for their proverbial “buck” 💲

Themes ranged from a ski lodge experience based loosely around Mallo Camp to Poppin' in America and Out of This World popcorn. Flavors included everything from butter and marshmallow crème to crushed Oreo cookies and caramel.

Invasion popcorn, a caramel popcorn with gummy U.F.O.s that was prepared by the Cosmic Popcorn group, was marketed as a popcorn “that will leave an invasion of sweet in your mouth,” while Poppin' in America advertised a "taste of freedom"  🇺🇸

Chances are, any flavor combination you thought of, they had! Well done to all of the successful food truck entrepreneurs and thank you to all of the teachers and staff who guided students along the way.

It was such a creative way to bring math, writing skills, public speaking and marketing all together into one  complete project. 

You could say it was a-maize-ing 😉

a team of popcorn making enthusiasts at their makeshift food truck
a stack of cupcake holders filled with popcorn on a plate
a student hands popcorn out of a makeshift food truck order window
popcorn set out for guests in cupcake holders
a girl holds a mini cup of hot cocoa out to food truck customer
a student puts together a popcorn order for a customer
a team of popcorn making enthusiasts at their makeshift food truck
a fifth-grade salesman makes his pitch to a crowd
popcorn set out for guests in cupcake holders
customers order popcorn from a team of fifth-graders