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Panthers take guests on Christmas trip 'around the world'

Panthers take guests on Christmas trip 'around the world'

Hillcrest’s English as a Second Language students took visitors on a trip around the world Monday, as they served up knowledge about other countries and their Christmas traditions.

Each student researched a country, finding out facts about population, political leaders, landmarks and where the countries are located. For example, guests learned that China has more than 1 billion people! And in Norway, reindeer meat is considered a regional specialty – shh, don’t tell Santa 🤫

The Panthers presented to not only their parents but also a host of other students who came through, stamping passports after each speech to complete the trip experience. After learning from the ESL students, travelers went on a taste-test, snacking on food from other countries made by Hillcrest staff.

Many students described the buñuelos, a Mexican-style donut, as “goated.” One student was even in awe, as he stumbled across “the first vegetable I’ve ever liked.” Who would’ve thought edamame, a soybean native to East Asia, would be such a hit? Nice work, chefs!

The event wrapped up with a final performance by the local Matachines dance group, showcasing another aspect of cultures seen across the world.

The Hillcrest ESL crew is made up of teachers Jayde Williams and Kim Dike and assistants Michell Rivas and Maran Guzman. Thank you Panthers for such an excellent afternoon!

a student presents at Hillcrest's Christmas Around the World
student sits at lunch table
staff stand behind authentically made food from other countries
students try food at lunch table
a student presents at Hillcrest's Christmas Around the World
a student presents at Hillcrest's Christmas Around the World
a student presents at Hillcrest's Christmas Around the World
a student presents at Hillcrest's Christmas Around the World
a poster at christmas around the world
passports at christmas around the world
authentically made food from around the world
students try food at lunch table
dancers perform at school event
A group of dancers perform at Christmas around the world
A group of dancers performs at Christmas around the world