Parent Information

  • The following is taken from Campbell County School District's Transportation policy, view the full policy here.



    Buses, as an extension of school district property, are subject to district policies and procedures. We may utilize video on the buses as necessary to assist in bus safety. Please contact the Transportation Department with any questions.



    www.herecomesthe School Code: 87135

    If your student is assigned to a bus there is access to the “Here Comes the Bus” app. It will allow parents to track the bus, receive notifications as well as bus arrival

    & departure from the stop. Please call the Transportation Department for set up help.



    A note signed by a parent is required if a student is not to get off at the assigned stop. This is to ensure that your child is where you expect them to be. We are committed to being at assigned stops, both a.m. and p.m., on time. Prohibiting abductions and traffic-related accidents, which might occur should students walk home from the wrong stop, all enter into this request for notes from parents. Students are assigned to the bus stop closest to their address.

    Friends of students riding home with bus students will need a note from each child’s parent giving permission.

    Guest on the Bus Program is available for parents to ride the bus. Please contact the Transportation Department for more information.



    Transportation does not require parents to notify dispatch if your student will not be riding the bus. Generally buses pick up multiple students at each stop or need to make all of the stops to stay on schedule.

    However if you live in a rural area and your student is the only child at the stop and you are able to notify dispatch or your driver that your student will not be riding it is appreciated.



    Students are expected to be at the bus stops on time and this expectation must be enforced. If they are late and the bus must wait, a bus discipline form will be sent home so parents are aware of the concern. We request that students be at the stops five (5) minutes before the bus arrival, but we will also take into consideration inclement weather conditions.

    The problems for everyone begins when a bus driver waits an additional minute or two for each student to get to the bus and after 15 or more stops,

    the students up at the end of the routes consequently, have to wait 15 to 30 minutes for the bus. Also, most in-town buses run two runs, a secondary and an elementary. Please help us to stay on schedule by having your student at the bus stop on time. Generally, elementary will have more stops than secondary.

    Student behavior and situations that occur at the bus stops will be the responsibility of parents unless the event occurs while the driver is pulling up and actually sees the occurrence. If the driver observes a problem, appropriate actions can be taken including loss of bus privileges. Vandalism at bus stops will result in the loss of bus privileges and possible criminal charges.

    Wyoming Department of Education establishes walking distances for students depending on age. WDOE also regulates the type and conditions of roads school buses travel on.



    CCSD is in the process of replacing all buses to be equipped with seat belts. Per WY State bus replacement rules, a limited amount of buses are eligible for replacement each year.

    Non seat-belted buses safety is based on the concept of “compartmentalization”. Under this theory, students are better protected by the strength of the bus, distance between the seats, and padding in the seats and surrounding area.

    Students are required to wear seat belts on a bus so equipped and loss of bus privileges will result if students refuse to do so.

    The Staff is as follows